Still Water
The story of The West is a multi-faceted affair in the American Psyche; myths of endless expansion, homesteading, and the promise of clean air and improved health in this Paradisiacal land lured populations west of the Rockies for much the 19th and 20th centuries. And yet perhaps the foundation of this narrative would be a story not of lofty dreamers but something much more (literally) grounded, that being, water.
This ongoing project looks at this most important resource in it’s journey from source-to-sea, from the Sierras to the Pacific, throughout California.
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Many of these images were originally commissioned by The New York TImes, Boom California, and Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibits (LACE.)
California Farmers Dig Deeper for Water, Sipping their Neighbors Dry,
The Parched West Series, Matt Richtel, The New York Times, June 5, 2015
All Along the Aqueduct, John Christenson, Boom California, September 30, 2013
After The Aqueduct, 2015, Group Show, Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibits, Los Angeles, Ca.